Journal articles

Aeschlimann, B., Graf, L., Neumann, J., Pusterla, F. & Schweri, J. (2024) Lehrstellenförderung in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels: Handlungsfelder für Akteure in der dualen Berufsbildung. bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik – online, 46, 1-23. Download.

Graf, L., Lohse, A. P., & Bernhard, N. (2024) Varieties of work‐based higher education: France, Germany and the United States compared. International Journal of Training and Development. Advance access:

Marques, M., Rohde-Liebenau, J., & Graf, L. (2024) Connecting internal and external dynamics in European intersectoral policy coordination – the case of education and employment. Journal of European Integration. Advance access:

Graf, L., Marques, M.; Sorensen, T. B. & Dumay, X. (2023) The emergence of European boundary-spanning policy regimes: analysing intersectoral policy coordination in education and employment, Journal of Education and Work, Advance access:

Marques, M. & Graf, L. (2023) Pushing Boundaries: The European Universities Initiative as a Case of Transnational Institution Building. Minerva. Advance access:

Marques, M., Graf, L. & Rohde-Liebenau, J. (2023) Forming a supranational boundary-spanning policy regime – European intersectoral coordination in education and employment, Journal of Education and Work, 36:7-8, 524-541,

Rohde-Liebenau, J., & Graf, L. (2023) Two instruments, one melody: The parallel evolvement of European and German alliances for apprenticeships. European Educational Research Journal, Advance access:

Graf, L. (2022) Conflictual and consensual class relations in collective governance: Comparing the expansion of short apprenticeships in Germany and Switzerland. Social Policy & Administration, Advance access:

Graf, L. & Marques, M. (2022) Towards a European model of collective skill formation? Analysing the European Alliance for Apprenticeships. Journal of Education Policy, Advance access: Download

Graf, L. (2021) How country size matters for institutional change: comparing skill formation policies in Germany and Switzerland. Comparative Education, 57(4): 474-495. Download

Graf, L. (2021) Leveraging Regional Differences and Cross‐border Collective Institutions: The Case of Skill Formation and Employment in the Border Region of France, Germany, and Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review, 27(2): 369-389.

Graf, L., & Lohse, A. P. (2021). Conditions for cross-border policy transfer and cooperation: Analysing differences between higher education and vocational training. Research in Comparative and International Education, 16(4): 361–383.  

Graf, L., Strebel, A. & Emmenegger, P. (2021) State-led bricolage and the extension of collective governance: Hybridity in the Swiss skill formation system. Regulation & Governance. Advance access: Download

Di Maio, G., Graf, L. & Wilson, A. (2020) Embedded flexibilization and polite employer domination: the case of short-track apprenticeships in Switzerland. Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, 12(2): Download

Emmenegger, P., Graf, L. & Strebel, A. (2020). Social versus liberal collective skill formation systems? A comparative-historical analysis of the role of trade unions in German and Swiss VET. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 26(3): 263-278. Download

Graf, L. & Tröhler, D. (2020) Cross-border skill formation and institutional bricolage: the case of Luxembourg and its neighbors. In: Borders in Perspective UniGR-CBS Thematic Issue. Borders and cross-border labor markets: opportunities and challenges. Vol. 3, pp. 23-33. Download

Strebel, A., Emmenegger, P. & Graf, L. (2020) New Interest Associations in a Neo-Corporatist System: Adapting the Swiss Training System to the Service Economy. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 59(3): 848-873. Download

Di Maio, G., Graf, L. & Wilson, A. (2019) Torn between Economic Efficiency and Social Equality? Short-track Apprenticeships in Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. European Educational Research Journal, 18(6): 699-723. Download

Emmenegger, P., Graf, L. & Trampusch, C. (2019) The Governance of Decentralised Cooperation in Collective Training Systems: A Review and Conceptualisation. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 71(1): 21-45. Download

Graf, L. (2018) Combined modes of gradual change: the case of academic upgrading and declining collectivism in German skill formation. Socio-Economic Review, 16(1): 185-205. Download

Graf, L. & Gardin, M. (2018) Transnational skills development in post-industrial knowledge economies: the case of Luxembourg and the Greater Region. Journal of Education and Work, 31(1): 1-15. Download

Graf, L. (2017) Work-based higher education programmes in Germany and the US: Comparing multi-actor corporatist governance in higher education. Policy and Society, 36(1): 89-108. Download

Graf, L. & Powell, J.J.W. (2017) How Employer Interests and Investments Shape Advanced Skill Formation, PS: Political Science & Politics, 50(2): 418-422. Download

Graf, L., Powell, J.J.W., Fortwengel, J. & Bernhard, N. (2017) Integrating International Student Mobility in Work-based Higher Education: The Case of Germany. Journal of Studies in International Education, 21(2): 156-169. Download

Graf, L. (2016) Betrieblich-hochschulbasierte Ausbildungsformen in Deutschland und den USA: Eine (Re)Konzeptualisierung. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 62(3): 323-339. Download

Graf, L. (2016). The rise of work-based academic education in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 68(1): 1-16. Download

Graf, L., Powell, J.J.W. & Bernhard, N. (2014) Transferpotenziale des deutschen dualen Studiums. Eine Bestimmung zentraler Faktoren anhand der Fallstudien Brasilien und Frankreich. Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis (BWP), 6/2014, 22-25. Download

Powell, J.J.W., Bernhard, N. & Graf, L. (2012) The Emergent European Model in Skill Formation: Comparing Higher Education and Vocational Training in the Bologna and Copenhagen Processes. Sociology of Education, 85(3): 240-258. Download

Powell, J.J.W., Graf, L., Bernhard, N., Coutrot, L. & Kieffer, A. (2012) The Shifting Relationship between Vocational and Higher Education in France and Germany: towards convergence? European Journal of Education, 47(3): 405-423. Download              

Powell, J.J.W., Bernhard, N. & Graf, L. (2012) Amerikanisierung oder Europäisierung der (Aus-) Bildung? Die Bologna- und Kopenhagen-Prozesse und das neue europäische Modell der Hochschul- und Berufsbildung. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (KZfSS), Sonderheft 52 “Soziologische Bildungsforschung”, 437-458. Download                  

Graf, L. (2009) Applying the Varieties of Capitalism Approach to Higher Education: Comparing the Internationalization of German and British Universities. European Journal of Education, 44(4): 569-585. Download